

The catch to this story is that this is what the archives clerk* overheard me say:

Me: "I'll be back in a second; I just have to go to the men's room to clean out this bowl of bruschetta."

(a slight pause)

Officemate: "What's the problem?"

Me: "Oh, I'm just wondering if it'll clog the toilet -- but then again, I've puked way worse than this."

They tell me I'm developing a reputation in these parts.

*No, of course she's not an archives clerk. She's a government employee with the mil gardening industry, so I'm sure she has a very specific title five words long that can be compressed into a two-letter initialisation. Just because I have no idea what her title is doesn't mean I don't respect her. By that logic, I'm not sure I'd even respect myself.

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